A Good Investment

A VCA education is a significant investment in a student’s growth from childhood to young adulthood. We are committed to providing admission to engaged, motivated students regardless of their family’s ability to pay. For that reason, we do our best to provide many avenues for tuition assistance to families with demonstrated need.


Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed House Bill 1, a major expansion of Florida's Family Empowerment Scholarship, into law. It removes income restrictions and enrollment limits, allowing essentially any Florida household with a student in elementary, middle, or high school to receive a school voucher containing the amount that their local public school would have received if they had attended.

The voucher can be used to pay for private school tuition, for homeschooling resources (if homeschooling parents are willing to abide by state guidelines) or, because of new "education savings accounts," to pay for other school-related costs.

The law will eliminate financial eligibility requirements and the enrollment cap on the number of families who can participate in the preexisting Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options.

The law further specifies that priority in receiving these scholarship funds will be given to students whose household income does not exceed 185 percent of the federal poverty level, or who are in foster or out-of-home care.

Additionally, this legislation requires the Office of K-12 School Choice to develop an online portal that enables parents to choose the best educational options for their student.